Ordination and Consecration

Ordination and consecration is men and women receiving the Church’s public recognition of the call from God and unique preparation for a lifetime of pastoral ministry.

This is far more about a life giving and life shaping experience.  You will not be journeying through this alone.  We have prepared not only a roadmap, but we will also partner you with a mentor who will be there to guide you and encourage you.

Welcome to the Midwest District Ordination/Consecration pathway. We’re delighted you’re on the journey! Our prayer is that you will find this to be a significant part of exploring your calling, gifting, and role; your alignment with the Christian and Missionary Alliance family, and preparation that will equip you for a lifetime of walking with God and serving Christ and His Bride.

LO&CC Module Assignment Form
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Eight modules to be completed in 2-3 years. These modules continue the district’s focus on the Five Core Characteristics of a Christian Leader’s Development. These five areas are:

 Christ-Centered Character
 Empowered Ministry
 Spiritual Leadership
 Healthy Living
 Biblical Foundation

Expectations and Goals for Emerging Leaders

 Confirmation of their call to ministry
 Practical ministry experience in an appropriate setting
 Spiritual growth and development as emerging leader walks with the mentor in ministry
 Strengthening of the Five Core Characteristics of an Alliance Worker

Additional Expectations

 You are required to read through the Bible in two different versions during your time in the pathway.
 Pay close attention to scheduling needs for the following requirements:

o Resonate – new workers seminar hosted by National Office in August of each year
o Midwest District Alliance Polity Seminar
o Alliance Strategies in Missions course or compatible course
o Peacemakers Training
o Final interview dates
o Mission trip experience opportunities
o Preaching/teaching workshop or seminar

 Other readings may be substituted for some of the assigned readings with District Superintendent approval.
 The written requirements will vary in format, but they must be of college-level quality in their content, logic, and layout.

Ordination/Consecration requirements may be adjusted based on the emerging leader’s prior education and ministry experience. Requested waivers for any component of these modules must be presented to the Associate Superintendent for Multiplication. Include justification by the emerging leader and mentor.

Completion Deadline

Upon licensing, you are expected to immediately begin working on the ordination/consecration journey and finish within three years of your licensing date.
If you need to complete the prerequisite 30 hours of formal Bible/ministry education, the start date for the ordination/consecration journey can be delayed until completion of the requirement. If this is the case for you, please contact the District Office with the following:

 University or institution offering the 30 hours of Bible (must be accredited credit hours or Alliance/District approved course of study).
 Start and projected end date of your course of study.

If personal/ministry circumstances prevent you from completing the requirements within three years, an extension of up to one year may be granted by LO&CC. The request for this extension must come from the mentor and church governing board/advisory team/board of directors.

If the modules are not completed within the allotted time, the emerging leader’s license will be suspended until ordination/consecration requirements, including the final interview, are completed.